Thomas Histon, July 27 to August 2, 2020

1)      Please describe any significant events that occurred this week and what you think about them

This week I went on a date. I took her to downtown Greenville, where masks are required. Well apparently, that requirement is very loose, because I do not think I saw a single mask downtown. We stayed away from as many people as we could, except of course each other, but I am certainly worried. Every waitstaff member had masks and gloves on, and the restaurant we went to recommended outside seating, so there seem to be measures in place to protect us, it’s just all about civilian participation, in which there is almost none.


2)      Were there any significant changes between this week and last week?

This week I am packing up to go move back into Lander. I do not know how that will go, how they will conduct Resident Assistant training, or how it will affect my residents, I suppose that will all be seen with time. I have not been back to Greenwood since I left in March, so I am curious to see how it has changed regarding the virus, how many of my favorite small businesses have closed, and if the people of Greenwood are complying with the mask rule more than those in Greenville.
