Thomas Histon, August 3 to 9, 2020

1)      Please describe any significant events that occurred this week and what you think about them

This week I moved into my dorm. I am a resident assistant at Lander, so I got to move in a week earlier than everyone else. I started my RA training, and I was pleasantly surprised how well the Housing Department planned our training to be respectful of the virus. We were not allowed to sit near one another, we were required to wear masks, and our teams were split in two to ensure our lecture halls were not too crowded. Obviously, there was only so much they could do, they cannot control how we act when we are by ourselves or hanging out with our friends, and while we sit at the lunch tables we cannot have our masks on because we are eating.


2)      Were there any significant changes between this week and last week?

This upcoming week everyone begins to move in. I can only enforce so much as an RA, like people in common spaces, like the hallways or the laundry room, but I cannot enforce how they act in their rooms, nor do I intend to. We are left to our own devices, and hope we do not get the virus, or much worse, spread it. There is still general apathy amongst college students, because let’s be honest; wearing the mask is really annoying. And typically, the virus doesn’t affect college students that severely. That is not an excuse of course, and I plan to enforce the mask rule to the best of my ability.
