Cameron Pate-Addie, June 29 to July 5, 2020

Daily Log


June 29th through July 5th, 2020


Describe what you did on the following days and if you had any particular reaction to those days’ events you would like to share


Monday: Went to get the oil changed in my girlfriend’s car.


Tuesday: Nothing to note here.


Wednesday: Word around was that many classes for the Fall semester would be changed to online. I checked and noticed that one of my classes has changed to online!


With the way cases are continuing to rise in South Carolina, I feel that it will not be long before McMaster (our Governor) is forced to make masks required by law. 


Thursday: President Cosentino sent out an email discussing the Fall semester. In the email, the President of Lander University talked about how things will be different, but that COVID is temporary. However, there will still be classes and activities in the coming semester for us while also implementing health precautions. Many classes will change to hybrid model, classes will have a limit to practice social distancing, online classes are more accessible for students to take, and among much other information the university will provide masks.


I am excited to be able to return to Lander in the Fall, but I wonder what other changes will come and how different everything will be.


Friday: Worked today. Going camping this weekend to celebrate the 4th with my family.


Saturday: Spent the weekend camping.


Sunday: Came back home later in the day. Exhausted, but had a great weekend.  
