Monday: Today started a vacation trip to the beach that my girlfriend and I have had planned for a while now. I have heard that COVID-19 cases have been increasing and Myrtle Beach (where we stayed at) has been what they call a ‘hot bed’ for cases. However, we did not feel unsafe.
Tuesday: We arrived at our Airbnb yesterday, and today we went out in town to Broadway at the Beach and the Aquarium. We had a lot of fun, and there were place markers on the ground for people to stand when in line. There were also signs placed up all around stores recommending people to wear masks.
Extra note here: Our Airbnb usually has reusable mugs and plates, but instead they had non-reusable ones. We believe it was because of COVID that they stopped providing those.
Wednesday: The weather has been cloudy and rainy, but today we caught our break and were able to go down to the beach which was very close to where we stayed. We also visited Myrtle Beach State Park and all the rangers were wearing masks. We got donuts at Duck Donuts, and (like I have seen at other establishments) they only allowed five people inside at one time, so I stood outside and waited my turn.
Thursday: We came home today, and something to note was that on the way back we stopped at a Burger King and that was the first place that I have been to that required you as the customer to wear a mask. Luckily, I had brought two masks with us on our trip.
Friday: Nothing much to note here.
Saturday: Nothing much to note here.
Sunday: Went to store today. Came home. Later on, in the day we went over to my girlfriends’ sisters’ house and played on their huge slip n’ slide! It was a nice way to beat the heat. Start back at work tomorrow.
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