Monday, 4-6-20
I figured since I have only been talking about the things I’ve been dealing with, I wanted to talk about the good that has come from this pandemic. I am not trying to minimize the deaths and tragedy this has brought, but I think it is important to remember that everything is not bleak. In addition, most of these examples will be from my own personal experience anyways.
First, on a global scale, the environment is slowly recovering. I would be misrepresenting myself if I said I was incredibly involved with or adamant about environmental protection, but I thought it was a nice thing to hear.
On a personal scale, my dog has certainly been enjoying me being home. While I do my schoolwork in the living room on the recliner, she is always right there with me, only slightly getting in my way. My mother and my sister, who live in Greenville, are certainly happy that I am home. I have certainly been getting more sleep than I would at college, and I do not have the distractions of my friends wanting to hang out, so my grades for the most part have improved.
Tuesday, 4-7-20
However, it is important to understand the bad things that have come from this, on a purely personal level. Like everyone else on Earth, I wish I could have contact with other humans. I love my family dearly, but I think we will all be a little sick of each other after a while. Of course, despite the fact that my friends are no longer a distraction, I miss them. It was certainly a welcome distraction, and I always got my work done regardless.
I realize how lucky I am. I did online school throughout middle school, so I am acclimated to it well enough. I understand that this is not the case for most others going through college. In fact, mostly I have heard the opposite; that they are struggling more in school than they did when they had in-person classes.
Wednesday, 4-8-20
Today I went to work again. Honestly, I am trying to limit just how many hours I work just to minimize my exposure to other people. But it is good to get some extra money, and I get to go outside of my house AND help people while I do it. I would say the vast majority of people are now wearing masks, myself included. Publix was handing out masks to their employees and I took one. And y’all already KNOW I rocked it!
But seriously, besides finding minor difficulties breathing in it, it was not bad at all. As it has been explained to me (though I absolutely could be wrong), wearing a mask does not necessarily help the wearer ward off the disease (besides deterring them from touching their face), but rather helps the wearer not spread anything they may have. So, since I was lucky enough to receive a mask, I will gladly wear it to help out in any way I can.
Thursday, 4-9-20
I have noticed a “regression” in my music tastes. I do not know why, but I have been listening to a lot of the same things I did when I was in high school. I do not think I have really listened to punk music since high school, but now if you look at my search history it is nothing but the Ergs, Screeching Weasel, and Blink-182, among others. (Probably irrelevant to those reading, but hey, if someone wants a recommendation for punk music, here you go!)
I say all of this to say that I have been searching for something to do. I have been trying to quell my boredom by exercising, but I still revert to watching shows or YouTube, which I know is not good for me. I will not give an extensive story about it, but in high school I used to be very involved with music. Poor-quality music, to be sure, but I released an album my senior year. I have gotten the urge to do it again. I have also gotten the urge to buy a microphone and start podcasting. I will say it probably will not happen, but it shows how bored I am getting because I want to revive my music “career.”
Friday, 4-10-20
It’s the little things. The subjectively stupid things that have always filled me with the most joy. My family has developed a habit of going outside in our front yard once or twice a week and just talk. Sometimes we do not have much to say, so we will do something while we are outside. We played a game that involved flipping a coin, and we threw a ball around. Only, we did not have a ball, but we had a roll of duct tape. Yes, we threw a roll of duct tape around. It worked out well, and honestly, it’s quite funny.
I visited my grandparents’ house again today to drop off groceries for them. We did the same thing we’ve always done to abide by the “six-feet-apart” rule: we sat on the sidewalk, and they sat on their porch. We were talking about how funny it was we used a roll of tape to entertain ourselves, and after a while, my grandmother went inside. She returned with a football! Like, an actual ball, not a roll of tape. It’s little things like that which I derive the most joy from.
Saturday, 4-11-20
I was a little annoyed with myself today, because I slept in instead of exercising. But I made up for it today. We decided today would be a good day to get some work done on the house, so we spread mulch in our yard. What I thought would take maybe an hour took more than two, and boy did I get my workout in. My dad tried to go to Lowe’s (the home improvement store) to get some supplies. He said it was more packed than he had ever seen it, so he just came back home. But it would appear everybody else had the same idea as us when it comes to fixing up their homes.
Sunday, 4-12-20
Today my family and I had a big lunch for Easter. We normally would have done this at our grandparents’ house, but unfortunately that is not an option this year. But, whenever we get a chance to make a big meal, we are certainly going to take it.
We are doing our best to make the most out of it. What other option is there? It would be quite easy for me to just give in and sleep until 11, slack on my schoolwork, and lament about how I will not be able to see my friends until next semester, but what good is that going to do?
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